Minggu, 07 November 2010

Aplikasi AT89S52 sebagai Pendeteksi Banjir dengan Komunikasi Serial

Hi, Samua..... Akhirnya bisa nulis lagi......
Untuk posting kali ini sengaja dalam versi Indonesia, gak sempat translate soalnya.... and supaya nggak ketahuan kali lah..... kalau Indonesia sering banjir.... Paling tidak bule-bule harus buka Google Translate dulu untuk terjemahan versi Englishnya. Jiahhh..... Kepedean, wkwkwkkwk....

Cukup untuk bagian cuap-cuap.... (^_^)    OK lanjut........
Berikut adalah prototype aplikasi pendeteksi banjir AT89S52 dengan komunikasi serial ke PC....
komponen utamanya adalah :
  1. MCU (AT89S52)
  2. RS232 converter (MAX232)
  3. Sensor Ketingian Air (red: rakitan)
  4. DB9
  5. PC
Hasil testing:

Kelompok Robotika,

Dibimbing Oleh:
Drs. Dahlan Sitompul,M.Eng

1.Nurul Fadillah
2.Indra Gunawan Dongoran
3.Yoga Nugraha W
6.Niko Junari

Jumat, 03 September 2010

Let's Make a Simple Servo Controller Using 555 Timer

This project will show how to make a simple driver for  servo motor using 555 Timer click here.We use 555 timer as PWM signal generator.

About Servo ?

Servos are extremely useful in robotics  and are extremely powerful for their size. Servo has a DC motor, a series of gears, potentiometer, and control circuit. It has three pins, like signal  pin for PWM, Vcc (+) pin for power supply, and Ground (-) pin. We need 5 Volt DC and PWM signal to be running the servo. The wires varies with different brands the pictures below show the socket configuration for Futaba (equal with GWS servo) and Hitec.

Reference : http://www.coastalplanes.com/articles/pinout.htm

Servo PWM Signal 

Servo motor rotation angle is set based on the pulse width that sent to it. The folowing picture show that if the servo gets 1.5 ms high pulse every 20 ms, wiill make the servo turn to 90 degrees. If the pulse shorter than 1.5 ms, then the motor will turn the shaft to closer to 0 degress. If the pulse is longer than 1.5ms, the shaft turns closer to 180 degress.

PWM Signal

555 Timer Circuit

555 Timer can generate the PWM signal to control the angle of servo rotation. The circuit below from http://sarconastic.tripod.com/servodriver.html  is a 555 Timer  PWM generator.

To learn more about the schematic : http://sarconastic.tripod.com/servodriver.html


Kamis, 02 September 2010

Let's Make Line Follower Robot

In this project we will make a simple  line follower robot. This robot uses infrared sensors to detect the lines and microcontroller AT89S52 as the main processor. whereas, for this robot moving I was using two DC motors and a L293D H bridge motor driver to control the wheels.

1. Project Board

  Line Follower Project Board 

The real robot based on the project board

2. Testing


Hello world !

Hi, this is my first post. In this blog I will discuss and share about robotics and microcontroller and other things related to it.

I am very interested in robotics and I like designing my own robot. But, I am still new to this. So, here I want to discuss and share about all things related to robotics. though, the things that I post is a simple in robotics but I hope these things can be useful for everyone.

As I said, that I was newbie in these topics and I would really appreciate if you all could share with me, and discuss them. I hope you can leave comments that can make things that I post for the better. thank you for joining with my blog.

So, Lets Make Robots!